A very warm welcome to our present and prospective parents and caregivers. At Lower Moutere School we have a wonderful learning environment providing a first class education for children from Years 1 - 8. Lower Moutere School draws its student population from the closely populated rural Moutere Valley and Mariri coastal region, the Lower Moutere settlement as well as from some families in the Motueka Township.
We welcome your interest and participation in your child's education and provide a variety of opportunities for you to be involved in our school life.
Tuesday 24th Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 26th Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 27th Board of Trustees meeting 6pm in Staffroom
Monday 24th Teacher Only Day
Friday 11th Last Day of Term 1
Monday 28th First Day of Term 2
Friday 30th Teacher Only Day
Monday 2nd Kings Birthday
Friday 20th Matariki
Friday 27th Last Day of Term 2
Friday 14th First Day of Term 3
Friday 12th School Photos
Friday 19th Last Day of Term 3
Monday 6th First Day of Term 4
Monday 27th Labour Day – Public Holiday
Friday 19th December Last Day of Term 4
2025 Term Dates
Term 1: Tuesday 4th February – Friday 11th April
(Nelson Anniversary Monday 3rd February
Waitangi Day Thursday 6th February
Teacher Only Day Friday 7th February)
Easter: Good Friday 18th April, Easter Monday 21st April)
ANZAC Day Friday 25th April
Term 2: Monday 28th April – Friday 27th June
(King’s Birthday Monday 2nd June
Matariki Friday 20th June)
Term 3 - Monday 14th July – Friday 19th September
Term 4 - Monday 6th October - Friday 18th December
(Labour Day Monday 27th October)
The New Zealand Curriculum states that values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in which people think and act and as such are an integral part of the Lower Moutere School Curriculum. Values are specifically modelled then explored as part of school life. It is who we are and who we aspire to be at Lower Moutere Primary School. This applies to everyone in our community – students, their families, staff and the wider surrounding community.
Our core value is one of RESPECT…
Respect for Self
Respect for Others
Respect for the Environment
Absentee Messages: 027 339 8801
03 526 7775
8 School Road RD2,
Upper Moutere, Nelson, 7175