The Board of Trustees and Staff welcome you and your child to Lower Moutere School. Our school is a full primary school meaning that we cater for students from 5 – 13 years of age. We are very proud of our school, community spirit and the wonderful environment in which we foster children’s learning. The school is sensitive to the individual needs of each child and sets out to meet them.
We extend an open door policy to you. We encourage close liaison between home and school. My door is always open to you, to discuss your child or any concerns you may have. Teachers are most willing to see parents before or after school about classroom or issues concerning your child. May you have a happy association with our school.
Please Click On The Links Below For More Information:
School Bus Timetables: Currently the school has 3 bus runs. One from Motueka, one run serves the area of Mariri and the other known as the Waiwhero run, which serves inland Lower Moutere, extending up towards Upper Moutere.
If your child is gong to be absent, we request that parents notify the office before 8.45am by either phoning 5267775 (you can leave a message on the answerphone), emailing or text -027 339 8801.
Our school week starts with an assembly on Monday morning. This is to set the scene for the week, share notices and other announcements. We have a full school assembly every week on Friday at 2.20pm. The classes share presentations and we welcome parents and caregivers to attend.
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Positive encouragement and support is provided to children who display initiative and common sense. We encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and to respect the rights and feelings of others. School-wide Relationship Management procedures are used to allow staff and students to work in a positive, constructive and peaceful environment.
At Lower Moutere Primary we -
To be the best that we can be, we are respectful citizens of our school.
We have a great Board of Trustees, who work alongside the staff and Principal, governing the school. Our trustees are:
Nellie Bell - Presiding Member & Maori Rep
Daisy Cole - Deputy Presiding Member & Parent Rep
Bevan Clark - Principal
Eric Gardner - Treasurer
Mike Lynch - Staff Rep
Heather Baigent - Parent Rep
Casey Fordyce - Parent Rep
Rachelle Parkins - Parent Rep
Tamanui Uerata - Parent Rep
Sue Savile - Board Secretary
The Board meet twice a term – dates are advertised in the school newsletter, and on the website calendar.
We have an open door policy, and welcome input from parents and caregivers. As teachers have class responsibilities it is necessary to make an appointment through the school office. If a matter is causing you considerable concern or dissatisfaction, or if you do not know whom you should approach about any matter, senior members of staff are available.
Schools in New Zealand are required to have teaching programmes, which incorporate the New Zealand Curriculum. We regularly consult with our community about aspects of the curriculum that are seen as particularly important.
Year 6 children get the opportunity to understand the rules of road safety. The Tasman District Council and Police take our pupils through a graduated programme of Safe Cycling. The school encourages students to cycle to school if they are 10years or older – independently. It is great to have parents cycling with students, if they are younger.
8.50 am - 10.20 am Morning Classes
10.20 am – 10.40 am Morning Tea Break
10.40 am - 12.30 pm Morning Classes
12.30 pm - 1.15 pm Lunch Break
1.15 pm – 2.50 pm Afternoon Classes
The school is in the Moutere cluster and participates in competitive sports within the Moutere and Motueka district. We are very fortunate to have an 18m heated swimming pool where water safety and swimming can be taught in ideal conditions. We also have an extra large field area, where a variety of sports are taught – with the support of sport Tasman, and our skilled staff. Although sport is competitive the school’s main emphasis is on the teaching of skills.
Every summer in terms 1 and 4 children are made aware of the dangers of over exposure to the sun. We insist children wear appropriate sunhats and sunblock between the hours of 10.00 am and 3.00 pm.
Term 1: Tuesday 4th February – Friday 11th April
(Nelson Anniversary Monday 3rd February
Waitangi Day Thursday 6th February
Teacher Only Day Friday 7th February)
Easter: Good Friday 18th April, Easter Monday 21st April)
ANZAC Day Friday 25th April
Term 2: Monday 28th April – Friday 27th June
(King’s Birthday Monday 2nd June
Matariki Friday 20th June)
Term 3 - Monday 14th July – Friday 19th September
Term 4 - Monday 6th October - Friday 18th December
(Labour Day Monday 27th October)
The school does have a compulsory school uniform. All items are available at Whitwells, Motueka 03 5288310 . Sun hats are available from the school office.
Absentee Messages: 027 339 8801
03 526 7775
8 School Road RD2,
Upper Moutere, Nelson, 7175